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Declaration of accessibility


The Laboratory of Microbiology and Virology has evaluated the website LMV in terms of accessibility as requested by AGID.


The evaluation has been carried out as indicated in the “Modello di autovalutazione V. 01”, made available online by da AGID and indicated in the Allegato 2 (Italian only) of the guidelines Linee guida sull'accessibilità degli strumenti informatici (Italian only).


The adopted method for evaluation is based on the validation of a sample of pages according to the accurate monitoring method shown in the guidelines Linee Guida di accessibilità AGID (Capitolo 5) (Italian only).


The documentation resulting from the evaluation is (Italian only):


If you want to make a complaint or report problems concerning the accessibility of the pages of this website, please write an email to

or fill in the form you can find here.

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